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John Geddes

WA Handley Professor of Psychiatry

Heidi Johansen-Berg

Director of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging; Associate Head of ...

Belinda Lennox

Head of Department

Jorge Galino Barres

Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Keith Hawton CBE

Emeritus Director, Centre for Suicide Research

Gabriele DeLuca

Professor of Clinical Neurology and Experimental Neuropathology

Nadira Faber

Social Behaviour and Ethics Lab

Christopher G Fairburn

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry

Andrew Farmery

Professor of Anaesthetics

Mina Fazel

Professor (Chair) of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Seena Fazel

Professor of Forensic Psychiatry

Michelle Fernandes

Clinical Lecturer, MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow

Nicola Filippini


Dominik Fischer

Professor of Ophthalmology

James FitzGerald

Professor of Neural Interfacing

Stephen Fleming

Visiting Fellow in the Social Psychology & Social Neuroscience Research Group

Sarah Floud

Associate Professor

Federico Formenti

Senior Research Fellow

Jane Fossey

Honorary Senior Clinical Research Fellow

Russell Foster

Head of the Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology and the Sleep and Circadian ...

E Sean Foxley

Postdoctoral MRI Physicist

Daniel Freeman

Professor of Clinical Psychology

Robert Frost

Post-Doctoral MRI Physicist

Lars Fugger

Professor of Neuroimmunology

Antony Galione

Chair of Pharmacology & Head of Department

John Gallacher

Professor of Cognitive Health; Director, Dementias Platform UK; Director, ...

Panos Giannopoulos

Honorary Clinical Research Fellow

Celine Gillebert

Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow

Maike Glitsch

Associate Professor of Biomedical Science and University Lecturer

Beata Godlewska

Clinical Researcher, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist

Stuart Golodetz

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Guy Goodwin

Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry

Julia Goodwin

OPT Research Supervisor

Stephen Goodwin

Professor of Neurogenetics

David Gordon

Senior Scientist

Veronique Gouverneur

Professor of Chemistry

Fabian Grabenhorst

Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology

Charlotte Granger

OPT Therapist

Alex Green

Consultant Neurosurgeon

Paul Greig

Clinical Research Fellow

Ludovica Griffanti

Associate Professor

Natalia Gromak

Royal Society Research Fellow

Markus Groppe

Honorary Clinical Research Associate

Christel Gudberg

Postdoctoral Researcher

George Hadjipavlou

Jane Hainsworth

SINAPPS Group Research Co-ordinator

Susie Hales

Clinical Psychologist

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