Alzheimer’s Research UK Thames Valley Network Members
Our network is a collaboration between various departments at University of Oxford, Oxford Brookes University and University of Reading. Follow this link if you wish to join the Thames Valley Network Centre.
Thames Valley ARUK Organising Committee
Becky Carlyle (Network Coordinator),
Katie Thomas (Network Administrator),
Department of Pharmacy, University of Reading
Working to unravel new therapeutic targets for a host of neurodegenerative diseases.
Department of Pharmacy, University of Reading
Interested in the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie normal developmental of the central nervous system (CNS) and CNS-related disorders.
Movement Science Group, Oxford Brookes University.
Research interests lie within the broad field of biomechanics with a particular interest in movement analysis in (non-) neurological conditions. Dr Esser has a background in engineering applied to health sciences. Dr Esser acts as the link between engineering and clinicians as a data scientist.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Researcher in Translational Neuroscience & Dementia Research Group on the Deep and Frequent Phenotyping study. This is a multi-centre study aimed at identifying a combination of biomarkers that predict disease progression in mild and prodromal Alzheimer's Disease.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Research focuses on using neuroimaging to understand risk for psychiatric and neurodegenerative disease.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Research interests focus around understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer´s disease pathological events.
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford
Works on understanding molecular mechanisms of age-related neurodegenerative diseases to generate novel molecular therapies.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Oxford Brookes University
Nuffield Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford
Nuffield Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Early Career Researchers (ECRs)
The Alzheimer’s Research UK Early Careers Network is a group of researchers at various stages in their careers who meet for social and career related events. If you are an early careers researcher (post-doc, PhD or undergraduate level) in neurodegeneration or dementia, or have an interest in these research themes, then you can join the Alzheimer’s Research UK Early Careers Network.
University of Reading
Centre for Medicines Discovery, University of Oxford
Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, University of Oxford
The Dementia Researcher website - has been developed by the office of the National Director for Dementia Research with support from Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society and the Medical Research Council - provides a variety of support and resources for early career researchers – covering everything from jobs and funding opportunities, how to produce grant proposals, opportunities to ‘ask a dementia expert’, and a range of podcasts.
Current members of the Thames Valley Network Centre
A full listing of current Network members is attached here.