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Prof Andrew King (Course Director) Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Dr Deborah Clarke (Course Lecturer) Department of Experimental Psychology
Prof Colin Akerman Department of Pharmacology
Dr Helen Barron Brain Network Dynamics Unit, Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Prof Tim Behrens Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Prof Holly Bridge Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Prof Rafal Bogacz  Department of Clinical Neuroscience
Prof Stephen Goodwin Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Prof Fabbian Grabenhorst Department of Experimental Psychology
Prof Laurence Hunt Department of Experimental Psychology
Prof Zoltan Molnar Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Dr Jill O'Reilly Department of Experimental Psychology
Prof Jacinta O'Shea Department of Psychiatry
Prof Ira Milosevic Human Genetics, NDM
Dr Jeffery Stedehouder MRC Brain Networks Dynamics Unit
Dr Sana Suri Department of Psychiatry
Prof Richard Wade-Martins Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Prof Mark Walton Department of Experimental Psychology