Fjola Dogg Helgadottir
PhD, MClinPsych, PostDipPsych, BPsych
Senior Research Clinician
- Charterd Clinical psychologist (CPsychol) registered with British Psychology Society and the Health Profession Council
- Honorary Clinical Psychologist - Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
My research focuses on using modern technology to disseminate evidence based psychological treatments. Most people do not receive such treatments and technology is one key to solving this problem. The current project that I am involved with is designing and building web-based therapist training programs in the fields of eating disorders and depression. This work is funded through a Wellcome Strategic Award. For further information, please visit
I also have expertise in designing and implementing treatment programs that use simulated therapist assistance. An example of this work is AI-Therapy, an online program to help people overcome social anxiety.
Recent publications
A standalone Internet cognitive behavior therapy treatment for social anxiety in adults who stutter: CBTpsych.
Journal article
Helgadóttir FD. et al, (2014), J Fluency Disord, 41, 47 - 54
Safety behaviors and speech treatment for adults who stutter.
Journal article
Helgadottir FD. et al, (2014), J Speech Lang Hear Res, 57, 1308 - 1313
Web-centred training in psychological treatments: a study of therapist preferences.
Journal article
Helgadottir FD. and Fairburn CG., (2014), Behav Res Ther, 52, 61 - 63
Magical thinking and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Australia and Iceland: A cross-cultural comparison
Journal article
Helgadóttir FD. et al, (2012), Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, 216 - 219
The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder
Journal article
Einstein DA. et al, (2011), The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4, 16 - 29