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A standalone Internet cognitive behavior therapy treatment for social anxiety in adults who stutter: CBTpsych.

Journal article

Helgadóttir FD. et al, (2014), J Fluency Disord, 41, 47 - 54

Safety behaviors and speech treatment for adults who stutter.

Journal article

Helgadottir FD. et al, (2014), J Speech Lang Hear Res, 57, 1308 - 1313

Web-centred training in psychological treatments: a study of therapist preferences.

Journal article

Helgadottir FD. and Fairburn CG., (2014), Behav Res Ther, 52, 61 - 63

Magical thinking and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Australia and Iceland: A cross-cultural comparison

Journal article

Helgadóttir FD. et al, (2012), Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 1, 216 - 219

The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder

Journal article

Einstein DA. et al, (2011), The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist, 4, 16 - 29

Online CBT I: Bridging the gap between Eliza and modern online CBT treatment packages

Journal article

Helgadóttir FD. et al, (2009), Behaviour Change, 26, 245 - 253

Online CBT II: A phase I trial of a standalone, online CBT treatment program for social anxiety in stuttering

Journal article

Helgadóttir FD. et al, (2009), Behaviour Change, 26, 254 - 270

Blushing during social interactions in people with a fear of blushing.

Journal article

Drummond PD. et al, (2007), Behav Res Ther, 45, 1601 - 1608