The new Wellcome Trust Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging involves the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB) at the Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, as well as the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA) at the Department of Psychiatry, and the Department of Experimental Psychology.
Oxford’s remarkable success in the competition for Wellcome Trust Centres is a great testament to our ability to draw together an unequal breadth of exquisite scientific expertise in a collaborative fashion to crack fundamental problems of human health. Neuroscience is set to gain from all three centres in complementary ways.
- Professor Kia Nobre, Chair of the Oxford Neuroscience Strategy Committee
Neuroimaging is a powerful tool to connect current advances in the measurement of brain circuits and the large-scale datasets being generated by clinical studies. We can provide measurements that are sensitive to cellular phenomena and that can be acquired in living humans, bridging the gap between laboratory neuroscience and human health.
The other Wellcome Trust Centres awarded to Oxford cover the areas of Human Genetics and Ethics, Innovation, Globalisation and Medicine.
The Wellcome Centres all aim to advance our understanding of health and disease, and span fundamental and social sciences, clinical research and engineering.