Oxford Parkinson’s Disease Centre (OPDC) Research Day 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, University of Oxford
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The OPDC Research Day is a one-day event with research talks from world leading Parkinson’s researchers on topics including clinical studies, imaging, genetics, proteomics, neuronal cells and animal models.
- The 2017 OPDC Research Day will be held in the Medical Sciences Teaching Centre, Oxford.
- The day will start at 9am with a programme of talks and poster sessions on Parkinson's research. This will be followed by a drinks reception from 5-7pm. Registration is free.
- This one-day event will include research talks by national and international keynote speakers and Oxford researchers on a range of Parkinson’s work including clinical studies, imaging, genetics, proteomics, neuronal cell culture and animal models.
- Abstract Submission closes Friday February 17th 2017