Riikka Mottonen
Associate Professor
- MRC Career Development Fellow
Research Summary
I am interested in the brain mechanisms that enable people to communicate using speech. I am especially interested in multisensory and sensorimotor interaction in speech perception. My research focuses on neural basis of hearing and seeing speech (i.e. “lipreading”) and audiovisual speech integration.
My current MRC-funded research project titled “Imaging sensorimotor interactions during speech communication” started in January 2011. During this project we examine how interacting motor and sensory brain regions support speech perception and production in fluent speakers and in people who stutter. We are also investigating whether brain stimulation can enhance effects of training on speech skills.
Recent publications
Neural basis of understanding communicative actions: Changes associated with knowing the actor's intention and the meanings of the actions.
Journal article
Möttönen R. et al, (2016), Neuropsychologia, 81, 230 - 237
Dissociating Contributions of the Motor Cortex to Speech Perception and Response Bias by Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
Journal article
Smalle EHM. et al, (2015), Cereb Cortex, 25, 3690 - 3698
The effects of delayed auditory and visual feedback on speech production.
Journal article
Chesters J. et al, (2015), J Acoust Soc Am, 137, 873 - 883
Multisensory and sensorimotor interactions in speech perception.
Journal article
Tiippana K. et al, (2015), Front Psychol, 6
Stimulating the lip motor cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation.
Journal article
Möttönen R. et al, (2014), J Vis Exp