Contact information
Olaf Ansorge
Associate Professor
Recent publications
A single nuclear transcriptomic characterisation of mechanisms responsible for impaired angiogenesis and blood-brain barrier function in Alzheimer's disease.
Journal article
Tsartsalis S. et al, (2024), Nat Commun, 15
Research Protocol : Putting the Person in the PICTuRE - Personalised Informed Consent in TissUe donation for Research lived Experiences
Mawhinney G. et al, (2024)
Deep topographic proteomics of a human brain tumour.
Journal article
Davis S. et al, (2023), Nat Commun, 14
Protocol for tissue processing and paraffin embedding of mouse brains following ex vivo MRI.
Journal article
Smart A. et al, (2023), STAR Protoc, 4
Isolated homozygous R217X OPTN mutation causes knock-out of functional C-terminal optineurin domains and associated oligodendrogliopathy-dominant ALS-TDP.
Journal article
Nolan M. et al, (2021), J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry