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Linqing Li
Postdoctoral fellow
I am currently a postdoctoral fellow working in FMRIB. My current research is to develop fast novel MR imaging techniques for carotid artery wall, non-contrast imaging, structure of brain and spinal cord and functional MRI of brain and spinal cord by implementing DANTE preparation sequence based on Siemens IDEA plat form. My current research is funded with British Heart Foundation (BHF) in UK.
MRI may provide comparable resolution with CT technique, but much better contrast resolution for clinical and neuroscience application. However, MR images may suffer from hyper-intense signal or artefacts from flowing blood or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). I successfully developed a novel approach, which is called “DANTE” preparation pulses, for eliminating signal from flowing fluids such as blood and CSF. DANTE application for detection of carotid artery plagues and spinal cord lesions has currently been under clinical trials in John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford. Furthermore the potential impact of the DANTE application is beyond the scope of structural MR imaging. We have successfully applied DANTE prepared EPI techniques to functional MR imaging for neuroscience study in spinal cord and brain.