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Jessica Smith


Post Doctoral Research Assistant

My research interests are in the psychological and biological factors that influence emotion and cognitive function and in particular the neurocognitive basis of drug action. More specifically, my undergraduate and doctoral research at the University of Bristol explored the neuropsychopharmacology of caffeine and theanine, particularly in relation to anxiety. Important from a scientific, industrial and clinical perspective, my research encompasses fundamental and applied studies comprising both behavioural methods, including cognitive and emotional processing tasks, and physiological techniques such as neuroimaging and CO2 inhalation. Applied research projects have investigated commercial products for improving mood and cognitive function, while the fundamental work has led to my increasing interest in how findings translate to clinic, their implications for understanding and treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, and the potential for drug discovery.

In my current role I am involved in investigating how a new drug treatment affects learning and memory in those who have past experience with depression.