Iona Alexander
Post Doctoral Research Scientist
I am currently investigating sleep and emotional processing in individuals with eye disease, those born without eyes (congenital bilateral anophthalmia) or those who have lost their eyes later in life (acquired bilateral anophthalmia).
I am also working with a group of staff and patients in a secure mental health unit to understand more about sleep and light in this context.
Recent publications
Isoluminant coloured stimuli are undetectable in blindsight even when they move.
Journal article
Alexander I. and Cowey A., (2013), Exp Brain Res, 225, 147 - 152
Modulation of cortical excitability can speed up blindsight but not improve it.
Journal article
Cowey A. et al, (2013), Exp Brain Res, 224, 469 - 475
Are hemianopic monkeys and a human hemianope aware of visual events in the blind field?
Journal article
Cowey A. and Alexander I., (2012), Exp Brain Res, 219, 47 - 57
Language networks in anophthalmia: maintained hierarchy of processing in 'visual' cortex.
Journal article
Watkins KE. et al, (2012), Brain, 135, 1566 - 1577
Detection of first- and second-order coherent motion in blindsight.
Journal article
Pavan A. et al, (2011), Exp Brain Res, 214, 261 - 271