Heidi Johansen-Berg
Director of the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging; Associate Head of Medical Sciences Division (Research)
Andrew Sharott
MRC Programme Leader
Tim Denison
Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies
Melanie Fleming
Associate Professor & Patient and Public Involvement Lead
Sarosh Irani
Collaborator, Oxford Autoimmune Neurology Group
Charlotte J Stagg
Professor of Human Neurophysiology
- Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
- Beale Fellow in Medicine, St Hilda's College
Physiological mechanisms of motor learning and recovery
I head the Physiological Neuroimaging Group.
My primary research interest is in understanding how the brain adapts to new challenges, focusing in particular in the physiological processes underlying the learning of new motor skills and in the recovery of motor function after stroke.
We take a multimodal approach to answer these questions, using advanced MR approaches, MEG, non-invasive brain stimulation and pharmacological agents. Our multidisciplinary team works on a wide variety of projects, with the ultimate aim of developing novel therapies to improve function in a range of neurological disorders.
We welcome enquires from potential DPhil (PhD) students and Postdoctoral Fellows - please email me.
For more details of our group's research please see our website.
Key publications
β-Oscillations Reflect Recovery of the Paretic Upper Limb in Subacute Stroke.
Journal article
Tang C-W. et al, (2020), Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 34, 450 - 462
Increasing human motor skill acquisition by driving theta-gamma coupling.
Journal article
Akkad H. et al, (2021), Elife, 10
Ramped V1 transcranial ultrasonic stimulation modulates but does not evoke visual evoked potentials.
Journal article
Nandi T. et al, (2023), Brain Stimul
Repeated unilateral handgrip contractions alter functional connectivity and improve contralateral limb response times.
Journal article
Andrushko JW. et al, (2023), Sci Rep, 13
A Mechanistic Link from GABA to Cortical Architecture and Perception.
Journal article
Kolasinski J. et al, (2017), Curr Biol, 27, 1685 - 1691.e3
Ipsilesional anodal tDCS enhances the functional benefits of rehabilitation in patients after stroke.
Journal article
Allman C. et al, (2016), Sci Transl Med, 8
Recent publications
Human cortical high-gamma power scales with movement rate in healthy participants and stroke survivors.
Journal article
Haverland B. et al, (2025), J Physiol
Differential effects of theta-gamma tACS on motor skill acquisition in young individuals and stroke survivors: A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study.
Journal article
Grigutsch LS. et al, (2024), Brain Stimul, 17, 1076 - 1085
Bridging the gap between experimental control and ecological validity in human sensorimotor science.
Journal article
Tsay J. et al, (2024), J Physiol
The relationship between parameters and effects in transcranial ultrasonic stimulation.
Journal article
Nandi T. et al, (2024), ArXiv
Electroencephalogram (EEG) and behavioural data concerning the Go/NoGo/Conflict task
Mandali A. et al, (2024)
Tuning the brakes - Modulatory role of transcranial random noise stimulation on inhibition.
Journal article
Mandali A. et al, (2024), Brain Stimul, 17, 392 - 394
Relationship between skill training and skill transfer through the example of bimanual motor learning.
Journal article
Schoenfeld MJ. et al, (2023), Eur J Neurosci
A translational roadmap for transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third stroke recovery and rehabilitation roundtable.
Journal article
Edwards JD. et al, (2023), Neurorehabil Neural Repair
A translational roadmap for transcranial magnetic and direct current stimulation in stroke rehabilitation: Consensus-based core recommendations from the third stroke recovery and rehabilitation roundtable.
Journal article
Edwards JD. et al, (2023), Int J Stroke
Transcranial focused ultrasound-mediated neurochemical and functional connectivity changes in deep cortical regions in humans.
Journal article
Yaakub SN. et al, (2023), Nat Commun, 14