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Pre-adult onset and patterns of suicidality in patients with a history of recurrent depression.

Journal article

Williams JMG. et al, (2012), J Affect Disord, 138, 173 - 179

Pre-adult onset and patterns of suicidality in patients with a history of recurrent depression

Journal article

Williams JMG. et al, (2012), Journal of Affective Disorders, 138, 173 - 179

Suicidal imagery in a previously depressed community sample

Journal article

Crane C. et al, (2012), Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 19, 57 - 69

Suicidal imagery in a previously depressed community sample.

Journal article

Crane C. et al, (2012), Clin Psychol Psychother, 19, 57 - 69

Effects of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Specificity of Life Goals

Journal article

Crane C. et al, (2011), Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1 - 8

Pesticides, paracetamol and psychosocial interventions: A reply to a commentary on Florentine and Crane

Journal article

Florentine JB. and Crane C., (2011), Social Science and Medicine, 72, 3 - 5

State Effects of Two Forms of Meditation on Prefrontal EEG Asymmetry in Previously Depressed Individuals

Journal article

Barnhofer T. et al, (2010), Mindfulness, 1, 21 - 27

Self-organization in bipolar disorder: Replication of compartmentalization and self-complexity

Journal article

Alatiq Y. et al, (2010), Cognitive Therapy and Research, 34, 479 - 486

Dispositional Mindfulness, Meditation, and Conditional Goal Setting

Journal article

Crane C. et al, (2010), Mindfulness, 1, 204 - 214

The relationship between dispositional mindfulness and conditional goal setting in depressed patients.

Journal article

Crane C. et al, (2010), Br J Clin Psychol, 49, 281 - 290

Self-discrepancy in students with bipolar disorder II or NOS.

Journal article

Alatiq Y. et al, (2010), J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 41, 135 - 139

Dysfunctional beliefs in bipolar disorder: hypomanic vs. depressive attitudes.

Journal article

Alatiq Y. et al, (2010), J Affect Disord, 122, 294 - 300

Suicide prevention by limiting access to methods: a review of theory and practice.

Journal article

Florentine JB. and Crane C., (2010), Soc Sci Med, 70, 1626 - 1632

Staying well after depression: trial design and protocol.

Journal article

Williams JMG. et al, (2010), BMC Psychiatry, 10

Factors Associated with Attrition from Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy in Patients with a History of Suicidal Depression.

Journal article

Crane C. and Williams JMG., (2010), Mindfulness (N Y), 1, 10 - 20

Dispositional Mindfulness, Meditation, and Conditional Goal Setting

Journal article

Crane C. et al, (2010), Mindfulness, 1 - 11

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