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Hypoxia-induced transcriptional stress is mediated by ROS-induced R-loops.

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What repeat expansion disorders can teach us about the Central Dogma.

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DNA damage contributes to neurotoxic inflammation in Aicardi-Goutières syndrome astrocytes.

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R-Loop Immunoprecipitation: A Method to Detect R-Loop Interacting Factors.

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Hypoxia-induced SETX links replication stress with the unfolded protein response.

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Transcription-dependent DNA double-strand breaks and human disease.

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N6-methyladenosine regulates the stability of RNA:DNA hybrids in 1human cells

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Senataxin: Genome Guardian at the Interface of Transcription and Neurodegeneration.

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Increased global transcription activity as a mechanism of replication stress in cancer.

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Out of balance: R-loops in human disease.

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Mechanisms of transcriptional dysregulation in repeat expansion disorders.

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Drosha Regulates Gene Expression Independently of RNA Cleavage Function.

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