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Frontal and temporal coding dynamics in successive steps of complex behavior.

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A one-shot shift from explore to exploit in monkey prefrontal cortex

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Focused Representation of Successive Task Episodes in Frontal and Parietal Cortex.

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Kadohisa M. et al, (2019), Cereb Cortex

Functional reorganisation and recovery following cortical lesions: A preliminary study in macaque monkeys.

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Ainsworth M. et al, (2018), Neuropsychologia, 119, 382 - 391

Functional reorganisation and recovery following cortical lesions: A preliminary study in macaque monkeys.

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A new approach to solving the feature-binding problem in primate vision.

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Isbister JB. et al, (2018), Interface Focus, 8

Managing competing goals - a key role for the frontopolar cortex.

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Functional division among prefrontal cortical areas in an analog of Wisconsin card sorting test


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Monitoring Demands for Executive Control: Shared Functions between Human and Nonhuman Primates.

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