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LanguageScreen: The development, validation and standardization of an automated language assessment App

Journal article

SNOWLING M. et al, (2024), Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools

Do we really need a new definition of dyslexia? A commentary.

Journal article

Snowling M. and Hulme C., (2024), Ann Dyslexia

Discovery of 42 genome-wide significant loci associated with dyslexia.

Journal article

Doust C. et al, (2022), Nat Genet, 54, 1621 - 1629

Scaling up Early Language Intervention in Educational Settings: First Steps Matter

Journal article

SNOWLING M. et al, (2022), Oxford Review of Education

Journal of Research in Reading

Journal article

SNOWLING M. et al, (2022), Journal of Research in Reading

Delivering language intervention at scale: promises and pitfalls

Journal article

Snowling MJ. et al, (2022), Journal of Research in Reading


Journal article

Snowling MJ. et al, (2022), The Science of Reading: A Handbook, Second Edition, xv - xvii

The Science of Reading: A Handbook, Second Edition


Snowling MJ. et al, (2022), 1 - 582

Shared Storybook Reading with Children at Family Risk of Dyslexia

Journal article

SNOWLING M., (2021), Journal of Research in Reading

Global motion evoked potentials in autistic and dyslexic children: a cross-syndrome approach

Internet publication

Toffoli L. et al, (2021), 50, 578 - 579

A rare missense variant in the ATP2C2 gene is associated with language impairment and related measures

Journal article

SNOWLING M. et al, (2021), Human Molecular Genetics

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