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The bionode: A closed-loop neuromodulation implant

Journal article

Pederson DJ. et al, (2019), ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 18

Good Welfare Practice in Modeling Seizures and Epilepsy


Jefferys JGR., (2017), Models of Seizures and Epilepsy: Second Edition, 39 - 46

Tetanus Toxin


Walker MC. et al, (2017), Models of Seizures and Epilepsy: Second Edition, 589 - 598

Basic mechanisms of seizure generation


Jefferys JGR. and Jiruska P., (2016), Epilepsy: The Intersection of Neurosciences, Biology, Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics, 41 - 50

Chemically-induced TLE models: Topical application.

Journal article

Jefferys J. et al, (2016), J Neurosci Methods, 260, 53 - 61

Models of drug-induced epileptiform synchronization in vitro.

Journal article

Avoli M. and Jefferys JGR., (2016), J Neurosci Methods, 260, 26 - 32

Preface for methods and models in epilepsy research.

Journal article

Avoli M. et al, (2016), J Neurosci Methods, 260

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