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Psychoeducation and online mood tracking for patients with bipolar disorder: A randomised controlled trial.

Journal article

Bilderbeck AC. et al, (2016), J Affect Disord, 205, 245 - 251

Ketamine and other glutamate receptor modulators for depression in adults

Journal article

Caddy C. et al, (2016), BJ Psych Advances, 22, 214 - 215

Ketamine and other glutamate receptor modulators for depression in bipolar disorder in adults.

Journal article

McCloud TL. et al, (2015), Cochrane Database Syst Rev

Ketamine and other glutamate receptor modulators for depression in adults.

Journal article

Caddy C. et al, (2015), Cochrane Database Syst Rev

Clinical and regulatory implications of active run-in phases in long-term studies for bipolar disorder.

Journal article

Cipriani A. et al, (2014), Acta Psychiatr Scand, 129, 328 - 342

Clinical and regulatory implications of active run-in phases in long-term studies for bipolar disorder

Journal article

Cipriani A. et al, (2014), Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 129, 328 - 342

Facilitated Integrated Mood Management for adults with bipolar disorder.

Journal article

Miklowitz DJ. et al, (2012), Bipolar Disord, 14, 185 - 197

Comparative efficacy and acceptability of antimanic drugs in acute mania: A multiple-treatments meta-analysis

Journal article

Cipriani A. et al, (2011), The Lancet, 378, 1306 - 1315

Towards a brief theory-based psychological intervention for bipolar disorder

Conference paper

Miklowitz D. et al, (2011), BIPOLAR DISORDERS, 13, 72 - 72

Olanzapine in the long-term treatment of bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Journal article

Cipriani A. et al, (2010), J Psychopharmacol, 24, 1729 - 1738

The longitudinal course of bipolar disorder as revealed through weekly text messaging: a feasibility study.

Journal article

Bopp JM. et al, (2010), Bipolar Disord, 12, 327 - 334

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