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Challenges and future directions for representations of functional brain organization.

Journal article

Bijsterbosch J. et al, (2020), Nat Neurosci

Functional and Diffusion MRI Reveal the Functional and Structural Basis of Infants’ Noxious-Evoked Brain Activity

Journal article

Baxter L. et al, (2020), bioRxiv, 2020.04.28.065730 - 2020.04.28.065730

Inferring the Infant Pain Experience: A Translational fMRI-Based Signature Approach

Journal article

Duff EP. et al, (2020), bioRxiv, 2020.04.01.998864 - 2020.04.01.998864

Large-scale intrinsic connectivity is consistent across varying task demands.

Journal article

Kieliba P. et al, (2019), PLoS One, 14

Disambiguating brain functional connectivity.

Journal article

Duff EP. et al, (2018), Neuroimage, 173, 540 - 550

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