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Quantitative Evaluation of Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction Methods for Structural MR Brain Images.

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Asymmetrical white matter networks for attending to global versus local features.

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Mapping pathological changes in brain structure by combining T1- and T2-weighted MR imaging data.

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Covert shifts of spatial attention in the macaque monkey.

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Resting-state temporal synchronization networks emerge from connectivity topology and heterogeneity.

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Memory load modulates graded changes in distracter filtering

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Modulation of alpha power at encoding and retrieval tracks the precision of visual short-term memory.

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Being an agent or an observer: different spectral dynamics revealed by MEG.

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Dynamical intrinsic functional architecture of the brain during absence seizures.

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Dynamical intrinsic functional architecture of the brain during absence seizures

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Understanding bimanual coordination across small time scales from an electrophysiological perspective.

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Aging effects on the resting state motor network and interlimb coordination.

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Structural and functional underconnectivity as a negative predictor for language in autism.

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Neuronal oscillations and functional interactions between resting state networks.

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How local excitation-inhibition ratio impacts the whole brain dynamics.

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Epileptic discharges specifically affect intrinsic connectivity networks during absence seizures.

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