EXPRESS: How stable are taste-shape crossmodal correspondences over time?
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Would you trust an AI chef? Examining what people think when AI becomes creative with food
Califano G. et al, (2024), International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 37
Colour/shape-taste correspondences across three languages in ChatGPT.
Motoki K. et al, (2024), Cognition, 253
Personalized, digitally designed 3D printed food towards the reshaping of food manufacturing and consumption.
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Assessing the visual appeal of real/AI-generated food images
Califano G. and Spence C., (2024), Food Quality and Preference, 116
Glassware Influences the Perception of Orange Juice in Simulated Naturalistic versus Urban Conditions.
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Individual differences in sensitivity to taste-shape crossmodal correspondences
Chuquichambi EG. et al, (2024), Food Quality and Preference, 115
Multisensory contributions to skin-cosmetic product interactions.
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Should absolute pitch be considered as a unique kind of absolute sensory judgment in humans? A systematic and theoretical review of the literature.
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Cinnamon: The historic spice, medicinal uses, and flavour chemistry
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Garlic: Tracing its changing popularity in British cuisine
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Prokofiev was (almost) right: A cross-cultural investigation of auditory-conceptual associations in Peter and the Wolf.
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Augmenting home entertainment with digitally delivered touch.
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Enhancing public entertainment with touch: Possibilities and pitfalls.
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Narrative historical review of scratch-and-sniff books and their key storytelling features.
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The “healthy = (un)tasty” intuition concerning colour in organic wine labels
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The imitation game–exploring the double-grip analysis for creating analog wines
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Comparing the influence of visual information and the perceived intelligence of voice assistants when shopping for sustainable clothing online
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Creating luxury brand names in the hospitality and tourism sector: The role of sound symbolism in destination branding
Motoki K. et al, (2023), Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, 30
Saffron: The colourful spice
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