Phonocardiography in preterm newborns with patent ductus arteriosus
Balogh AT., Kovács F., Molnár Z.
This paper presents a pilot study investigating the usefulness of phonocardiography in assessing the hemodynamics of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm newborns. Nineteen infants have been examined, 11 with hemodynamically significant PDA, verified by echocardiography. Four of these newborns have been measured every day until the clinically verified closure of the PDA occurred. Murmur, related solely to PDA, was found in two infants but also some low frequency components of the heart sounds might indicate the state of the ductus arteriosus. Comparison of the heart sounds based on a cross-correlationmethod before and after the closure of the PDA is presented. Copyright © 2011 ACTA Press.