Territory Quality in Mountain Reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula chanleri): Distance to Safety
Dunbar RIM., Roberts SC.
Reedbuck are heavily dependent on cover as a means of evading predators, and Howard (1986a) suggested that males defend cover‐abundant habitat in order to maximize access to receptive females which congregate in these areas. We use a measure of female preference for individual territories, and variations in territory size and quality to test this hypothesis in Chanler's mountain reedbuck (Redunca fulvorufula chanleri). Although the amount of cover within each territory did appear to be important, the height of available slope predicted female preference most precisely. It is concluded that, under certain conditions, the extent of available slopes for predator evasion may be a more appropriate indicator of territory quality. 1992 Blackwell Verlag GmbH