Change in the rate of CO2 production in synchronous cultures of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe: a periodic cell cycle event that persists after the DNA-division cycle has been blocked
Novak B., Mitchison JM.
CO2 production has been followed by manometry in synchronous and asynchronous cultures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe prepared by elutriation from the same initial culture. The rate of production follows a linear pattern in synchronous cultures with a rate change once per cycle at the time of cell division. This pattern is most clearly shown in oscillations of the difference between values of the second differential (acceleration) for the synchronous and asynchronous cultures. The association between the rate change and the time of division is maintained during growth speeded up in rich medium and slowed down in poor medium and at lower temperature. It is also maintained after a shift-up in temperature. Results with wee mutants suggest that the association is with the S period rather than division itself. The rate and acceleration of CO2 production are approximately proportional to cell size (protein content) in asynchronous cultures. When synchronous cultures of the temperature-sensitive mutants cdc2.33 and cdc2.33 wee1.6 are shifted up to the restrictive temperature, the DNA-division cycle is blocked. The oscillatory pattern of CO2 production, however, continues for one to two cycles until the acceleration reaches a constant value, after which the oscillations are undetectable. This point is reached later in the double mutant and there is a phase difference in the oscillations compared to those in the single mutant. With both blocked mutants the 'free-running' oscillations are about 15% shorter than the normal cycle time. There are well-known examples of such oscillations in eggs but they are rare in growing systems.