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We present transient four-wave mixing experiments on individual excitonic transitions in self-assembled CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots. Using a two-dimensional femtosecond spectroscopy and heterodyne detection of the nonlinear signal we study the dephasing and mutual coherent coupling of single quantum dot states. For the homogeneous linewidth of the zero-phonon line (ZPL) values of 0.06-0.1 meV (T2 =13-20 ps) are measured, and a ZPL weight in the total line shape of Z=0.9 at T=7 K is estimated. We observe two linearly polarized fine-structure split exciton transitions with transition dipole moment ratios of 1.0-1.1 deduced from the four-wave mixing (FWM) amplitude, and splitting energies of 0.2-0.35 meV deduced from the FWM spectral response or quantum beat period. Coherent coupling between excitonic states is identified by off-diagonal signals in the two-dimensional spectrally-resolved FWM. The presence of an inhomogeneous broadening caused by spectral diffusion in the time ensemble is evidenced by the formation of a photon echo in the time-resolved FWM from a single transition. © 2006 The American Physical Society.

Original publication




Journal article


Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics

Publication Date

