Impaired texture segregation but spared contour integration following damage to right posterior parietal cortex.
Vancleef K., Wagemans J., Humphreys GW.
We examined the relations between texture segregation and contour integration in patients with deficits in spatial attention leading to left or right hemisphere extinction. Patients and control participants were presented with texture and contour stimuli consisting of oriented elements. We induced regularity in the stimuli by manipulating the element orientations resulting in an implicit texture border or explicit contour. Participants had to discriminate curved from straight shapes without making eye movements, while the stimulus presentation time was varied using a QUEST procedure. The results showed that only patients with right hemisphere extinction had a spatial bias, needing a longer presentation time to determine the shape of the border or contour on the contralesional side, especially for borders defined by texture. These results indicate that texture segregation is modulated by attention-related brain areas in the right posterior parietal cortex.