Lesion neuroanatomy of the Sustained Attention to Response task.
Molenberghs P., Gillebert CR., Schoofs H., Dupont P., Peeters R., Vandenberghe R.
The Sustained Attention to Response task is a classical neuropsychological test that has been used by many centres to characterize the attentional deficits in traumatic brain injury, ADHD, autism and other disorders. During the SART a random series of digits 1-9 is presented repeatedly and subjects have to respond to each digit (go trial) except the digit '3' (no-go trial). Using voxel-based lesion symptom mapping (VLSM) in a consecutive series of 44 ischemic unifocal non-lacunar hemispheric stroke patients we determined the neuroanatomy of 4 SART parameters: commission and omission error rate, reaction time variability and post-error slowing. Lesions of the right inferior frontal gyrus significantly increased commission error rate. Lesions of the middle third of the right inferior frontal sulcus (IFS) reduced post-error slowing, a measure of how well subjects can utilize errors to adjust cognitive resource allocation. Omissions and reaction time variability had less localising value in our sample. To conclude, commission errors and post-error slowing in the SART mainly probe right inferior frontal integrity.