Comparison of fibreoptic-guided orotracheal intubation through classic and single-use laryngeal mask airways.
Danha RF., Thompson JL., Popat MT., Pandit JJ.
We compared times to intubate the trachea orally and success rates using two fibreoptically assisted techniques in 42 healthy patients with normal airways using (a) a 6.0-mm nasal RAE tracheal tube passed through a classic laryngeal mask airway (CLMA group) or (b) a 6.0-mm nasal RAE tracheal tube passed through a new disposable Portex Soft Seal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA group). The mean (SD) total intubation times were 82 (14) and 80 (17) s, respectively (p = 0.55). The success rates for intubation at the first attempt were similar (17/21 in the CLMA vs. 16/21 in the PLMA group; p = 0.50). We conclude that there is no clinically significant difference between the times to intubate the trachea or success rates using these two devices, but there may be other more subtle measures which might influence the choice of device in clinical practice. Finally, in the course of this study we developed a grading scale to describe the laryngeal views obtained when using a fibrescope passed through supraglottic airway devices.