The importance of the Nilo and Nguu North Forest Reserves for the conservation of montane forest birds in Tanzania
Seddon N., Ekstrom JMM., Capper DR., Isherwood IS., Muna R., Pople RG., Tarimo E., Timothy J.
In July to October 1995 we conducted bird surveys in two forest reserves (FRs) in Tanzania: Nilo FR in the East Usambara Mountains and Nguu North FR in the Nguu Mountains. The survey results were used to assess the importance of the two FRs for the conservation of threatened, near-threatened and restricted range montane bird species, and threats to the forest in these areas were identified. The conservation importance of the East Usambaras and the Nguus relative to other forested mountain ranges in Tanzania was assessed. It was found that Nilo FR and the adjacent forested public land is an important site for the conservation of Usambara weaver and long-billed tailorbird, and Nguu North FR for east coast akalat. Both FRs harbour other forest-dependent species of conservation interest whose survival prospects would be enhanced by improved protection of the reserves. Both FRs are subject to degradation, predominantly through pit-sawing and cultivation. There is an urgent need for a long-term conservation programme in these FRs and we make practical recommendations for their future management.