Lifetime of the 2795 keV Jπ = 1+ 2 level in 21Ne
Fifield LK., Catford WN., Garman EF., Wright IF.
The mean life of the 2795 keV 1+ 2 level in 21Ne has been measured using the 21C(13C, αγ)21Ne reaction and a variant of the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The result obtained was τ = 7.9 ± 1.8 fs. In addition, the separation of the 2789 ( 1- 2) and 2795 ( 1+ 2) keV levels in 21Ne been measured as 5.91 ± 0.31 keV. The relevance of both results to measurements of parity mixing in 21Ne is discussed. © 1983.