Giant dipole resonance in the statistical decay of Cu63, Kr76, and Cs127 compound nuclei
Garman EF., Snover KA., Chew SH., Hesmondhalgh SKB., Catford WN., Walker PM.
The spectral shapes of high energy gamma rays emitted in the decay of excited Cu63, Kr76, and Cs127 compound nuclei are well reproduced by statistical model calculations which include a giant dipole resonance 1-1.5 MeV lower in energy than the ground-state giant dipole resonance. No evidence is found for a dependence of the giant dipole resonance strength function on spin. NUCLEAR REACTIONS C12+V51, Zn64, In115; O18+Sc45, Ni58, Ag109; Elab=42-60 MeV. Measured -ray spectra, E=6-25 MeV; compared with statistical model calculations including the GDR. Deduced EGDR, for excited state GDR decays. Deduced upper limits for spin dependence of GDR parameters. © 1983 The American Physical Society.