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© 2020, The Author(s). The original version of this Article contained errors. In the original PDF version, the published date was omitted and now reads: “Published: 26 February 2020”. In addition, there were typographical errors in the Methods section, under the subheading “Experimental protocol and data acquisition”, where: “In the scan room with dimmed lights, participants were not required to keep looking at a cross mark in the center of the monitor screen, think of anything in particular, and not to sleep.” now reads: “In the scan room with dimmed lights, participants were required to keep looking at a cross mark in the center of the monitor screen, think of nothing in particular, and not to sleep.” In Table 2 where the ‘Contribution’ value for ID #7 was incorrect, the value “\” now reads “0.263”. In the Results section under the subheading “Effect of treatment with antidepressants”, where BDI and HAMD values were reversed, “(Mean(SD): BDI Pre = 19.1 (5.63), BDI Post = 11.3 (5.41), paired t-test results on BDI: p = 7.29 × 10−7; and HAMD Pre = 31.3 (7.48), HAMD Post = 18.7 (12.2), paired t-test results on HAMD: p = 7.26 × 10−7).” now reads: “(Mean(SD): BDI Pre = 31.3 (7.48), BDI Post = 18.7 (12.2), paired t-test results on BDI: p = 7.26 × 10−7; and HAMD Pre = 19.1 (5.63), HAMD Post = 11.3 (5.41), paired t-test results on HAMD: p = 7.29 × 10−7).” In the Supplementary Information file, there were missing values in Table S1c under the “Time 2 (6-8w)” column and on the “Severity of symptoms (BDI-II) “and “Observer-rated depression scale (HAMD-17)” rows. These values now read “18.7 (12.2)” and “11.3 (5.4)” respectively. These errors have now been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of the Article, and in the accompanying Supplementary Information file.

Original publication




Journal article


Scientific Reports

Publication Date

