Effective Self-Management for Early Career Researchers in the Natural and Life Sciences.
Bielczyk NZ., Ando A., Badhwar A., Caldinelli C., Gao M., Haugg A., Hernandez LM., Ito KL., Kessler D., Lurie D., Makary MM., Nikolaidis A., Veldsman M., Allen C., Bankston A., Bottenhorn KL., Braukmann R., Calhoun V., Cheplygina V., Boffino CC., Ercan E., Finc K., Foo H., Khatibi A., La C., Mehler DMA., Narayanan S., Poldrack RA., Raamana PR., Salo T., Godard-Sebillotte C., Uddin LQ., Valeriani D., Valk SL., Walton CC., Ward PGD., Yanes JA., Zhou X., OHBM Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group None.
Early career researchers (ECRs) are faced with a range of competing pressures in academia, making self-management key to building a successful career. The Organization for Human Brain Mapping undertook a group effort to gather helpful advice for ECRs in self-management.