Health notes
Mail on Sunday, 30/11/2014, p.69
Prebiotic supplement Bimuno could be used to treat anxiety. A clinical trial, conducted by the University of Oxford’s Department of Psychiatry and published in the journal Psychopharmacology, looked at the effect of the powder on levels of stress hormones in the body, as well as mood. The study, on 45 healthy people, claims nutritional therapies might aid the management of these conditions, with Bimuno found to reduce the amount of stress hormone the most. Trials are now planned on individuals suffering anxiety.
Prebiotic supplement in treatment of anxiety ?
11 December 2014
First results of "The effect of prebiotics on emotional processing and working memory in healthy volunteers" (Phil Burnet with Kristin Schmidt, Catherine Harmer, Philip Cowen, Steven Errington, George Tzortzis)