We're delighted to announce that Geoff Bird, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, has been selected to receive the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) Mid-Career Award. This annual award recognises an experimental psychologist who has a distinguished research record over a substantial period and who has contributed to the advancement of the field. Nominees typically will have gained their PhD 15 – 25 years prior to nomination.
Geoff's current research focuses on all aspects of social cognition, those psychological processes that enable us to interact with other humans. He is especially interested in how these processes are affected by Autism, Alexithymia (a sub-clinical condition characterised by an inability to identify and describe one's own emotions), and other conditons.
Geoff said,
I am just so honoured - and incredibly surprised - to receive this award. The list of previous winners contains so many exceptional people that I keep wondering if they have made a mistake! It does feel odd in some ways though, to receive an individual prize when all the work was a team effort. I've literally never written a single-author paper. As a result I couldn't be more grateful to my mentors, collaborators and my simply wonderful students, this is truly a reflection of all our work.