Valerie Bonnelle
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Recent publications
Characterization of reward and effort mechanisms in apathy.
Journal article
Bonnelle V. et al, (2015), J Physiol Paris, 109, 16 - 26
The neural basis of impaired self-awareness after traumatic brain injury.
Journal article
Ham TE. et al, (2014), Brain, 137, 586 - 597
Traumatic brain injury impairs small-world topology.
Journal article
Pandit AS. et al, (2013), Neurology, 80, 1826 - 1833
Individual prediction of white matter injury following traumatic brain injury
Journal article
Hellyer PJ. et al, (2013), Annals of Neurology, 73, 489 - 499
Individual prediction of white matter injury following traumatic brain injury.
Journal article
Hellyer PJ. et al, (2013), Ann Neurol, 73, 489 - 499