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Genetic, natal, and spatial drivers of social phenotypes in wild great tits

Journal article

SHELDON B. et al, (2024), Journal of Animal Ecology

Intentional and unintentional changes to avian and mammalian diversities in the U.K.

Journal article

SHELDON B. and GRENYER R., (2024), Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Perspective: The foundations, fortunes and future of cognitive control research

Journal article

YEUNG N., (2024), Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

Assortative mating and the dark triad: Evidence from the UK, Fiji, and meta-analytic review

Journal article

Richards G. et al, (2024), Personality and Individual Differences, 231

Novel structural insights at the extracellular plant-pathogen interface

Journal article

Mooney BC. and van der Hoorn RAL., (2024), Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 82

Optimization of hybridization chain reaction for imaging single RNA molecules in Drosophila larvae.

Journal article

Olivares-Abril J. et al, (2024), Fly (Austin), 18

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