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The Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in General Hospital Inpatients: A Systematic Umbrella Review.

Journal article

van Niekerk M. et al, (2022), J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry

Depression and anxiety during the year before death from cancer.

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Magill N. et al, (2022), J Psychosom Res, 158

The prevalence of anxiety in general hospital inpatients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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Walker J. et al, (2021), Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 72, 131 - 140


Journal article

Walker J. et al, (2021), Psychosom Med

Patterns of daytime physical activity in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

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King E. et al, (2020), J Psychosom Res, 135

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