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The Theory of Mind hypothesis of autism: A critical evaluation of the status-quo.

Journal article

Long E. et al, (2024), Psychological review

Theoretical Limitations on Mindreading Measures: Commentary on Wendt et al. (2024)

Journal article

Conway J. et al, (2024), Psychological Assessment

The Enduring Importance of the ‘Fine Cuts’ Approach to Psychology – EPS Mid-Career Award Lecture 2024.

Journal article

BIRD G., (2024), Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Potential Mechanisms Underlying the Association Between Feeding and Eating Disorders and Autism.

Journal article

adams K. et al, (2024), Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews

Childhood Language Development and Alexithymia in Adolescence: An Eight-Year Longitudinal Study

Journal article

BIRD G. et al, (2024), Development and Psychopathology

Heightened Interoception in Adults with Fibromyalgia

Journal article

Todd J. et al, (2024), Biological Psychology

Interoceptive attention and mood in daily life: an experience-sampling study

Journal article

Poerio G. et al, (2024), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

Auditing measures of interoceptive accuracy: important clarifications

Journal article

Murphy J. and BIRD G., (2024), Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews

The Oxford Face Matching Test: Short-form alternative.

Journal article

Stantić M. et al, (2023), Q J Exp Psychol (Hove)

The Oxford Face Matching Test: Short Form Alternative

Journal article

Stantic M. et al, (2023), Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Non-Autistic Adults Can Recognize Posed Autistic Facial Expressions: Implications for Internal Representations of Emotion

Journal article

Lampi AJ. et al, (2023), Autism Research: official journal of the International Society for Autism Research

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